Enum EmfPlusCompositingQuality

EmfPlusCompositingQuality enumeration

The CompositingQuality enumeration defines levels of quality for creating composite images

public enum EmfPlusCompositingQuality : byte


CompositingQualityDefault1No gamma correction is performed. Gamma correction controls the overall brightness and contrast of an image. Without gamma correction, composited images can appear too light or too dark.
CompositingQualityHighSpeed2No gamma correction is performed. Compositing speed is favored at the expense of quality. In terms of the result, there is no difference between this value and CompositingQualityDefault.
CompositingQualityHighQuality3Gamma correction is performed. Compositing quality is favored at the expense of speed.
CompositingQualityGammaCorrected4Enable gamma correction for higher-quality compositing with lower speed. In terms of the result, there is no difference between this value and CompositingQualityHighQuality.
CompositingQualityAssumeLinear5No gamma correction is performed; however, using linear values results in better quality than the default at a slightly lower speed.

See Also