
BmpImage.BitsPerPixel property

Access the number of bits per pixel for the image with ease using this property. Perfect for developers seeking quick information about image quality and depth.

public override int BitsPerPixel { get; }

Property Value

The image bits per pixel count.


The following example gets the general information about the image including pixel format, image size, resolution, compression etc.


using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(@"c:\temp\sample.bmp"))
    Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BmpImage bmpImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BmpImage)image;                

    System.Console.WriteLine("The pixel format: {0}", bmpImage.RawDataFormat);                
    System.Console.WriteLine("The raw line size in bytes: {0}", bmpImage.RawLineSize);
    System.Console.WriteLine("The bitmap compression: {0}", bmpImage.Compression);
    System.Console.WriteLine("The bitmap width: {0}", bmpImage.Width);
    System.Console.WriteLine("The bitmap height: {0}", bmpImage.Height);
    System.Console.WriteLine("The number of bits per pixel: {0}", bmpImage.BitsPerPixel);

    double hres = bmpImage.HorizontalResolution;
    double vres = bmpImage.VerticalResolution;
    System.Console.WriteLine("The horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch: {0}", hres);
    System.Console.WriteLine("The vertical resolution, in pixels per inch: {0}", vres);

    if (hres != 96.0 || vres != 96.0)
        // You may consider using the SetResolution method for updating both resolution values in single call.
        System.Console.WriteLine("Set resolution values to 96 dpi");
        bmpImage.SetResolution(96.0, 96.0);

        System.Console.WriteLine("The horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch: {0}", bmpImage.HorizontalResolution);
        System.Console.WriteLine("The vertical resolution, in pixels per inch: {0}", bmpImage.VerticalResolution);

    //The output may look like this:
    //The pixel format: Rgb24Bpp, used channels: 8,8,8
    //The raw line size in bytes: 1500
    //The bitmap compression: Rgb
    //The bitmap width: 500
    //The bitmap height: 375
    //The number of bits per pixel: 24
    //The horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch: 0
    //The vertical resolution, in pixels per inch: 0
    //Set resolution values to 96 dpi
    //The horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch: 96.012
    //The vertical resolution, in pixels per inch: 96.012

The following example shows how the bitmap compression affects the output image size.


Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BitmapCompression[] compressions = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BitmapCompression[]

Aspose.Imaging.Color[] paletterColors = new Aspose.Imaging.Color[]

// Create a monochrome palette which contains only red and green colors.
Aspose.Imaging.IColorPalette palette = new Aspose.Imaging.ColorPalette(paletterColors);

foreach (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BitmapCompression compression in compressions)
    // Create a 8-bpp BMP image of 100 x 100 px.
    using (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BmpImage bmpImage = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BmpImage(100, 100, 8, palette, compression, 0.0, 0.0))
        Aspose.Imaging.Graphics gr = new Aspose.Imaging.Graphics(bmpImage);

        // Fill the entire image in red.
        Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.SolidBrush redBrush = new Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.SolidBrush(Aspose.Imaging.Color.Red);
        gr.FillRectangle(redBrush, bmpImage.Bounds);

        // Save the image to a stream to get the output image size.
        using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())

            System.Console.WriteLine("The compression={0}", bmpImage.Compression);
            System.Console.WriteLine("The number of bits per pixel={0}", bmpImage.BitsPerPixel);
            System.Console.WriteLine("The image dimensions={0} x {1}", bmpImage.Width, bmpImage.Height);
            System.Console.WriteLine("The raw line size={0}", bmpImage.RawLineSize);
            System.Console.WriteLine("The output size in bytes={0}", stream.Length);

// The output looks like this:
// ---------------------------------------------
// The compression = Rgb
// The number of bits per pixel = 8
// The image dimensions = 100 x 100
// The raw line size = 100
// The output size in bytes = 11078
// ---------------------------------------------
// The compression = Rle8
// The number of bits per pixel = 8
// The image dimensions = 100 x 100
// The raw line size = 100
// The output size in bytes = 856

See Also