MutationObserver Class

MutationObserver class

A object can be used to observe mutations to the tree of .

public class MutationObserver : DOMObject


MutationObserver(MutationCallback)Constructs a MutationObserver object and sets its MutationCallback to callback. The callback is invoked with a list of MutationRecord objects as first argument and the constructed MutationObserver object as second argument. It is invoked after nodes registered with the !:Observe(Node, IMutationObserverInit) method, are mutated.


Disconnect()Stops observer from observing any mutations. Until the observe() method is used again, observer’s callback will not be invoked.
virtual GetPlatformType()This method is used to retrieve the ECMAScript object .
Observe(Node)Instructs the user agent to observe a given target (a node) and report any mutations based on the criteria given by options (an object). The options argument allows for setting mutation observation options via object members.
Observe(Node, MutationObserverInit)Instructs the user agent to observe a given target (a node) and report any mutations based on the criteria given by options (an object). The options argument allows for setting mutation observation options via object members.
TakeRecords()The method returns a copy of the record queue and then empty the record queue.

See Also