
SetProperty(String, String)

The CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty() method interface is used to set a property value with default priority within this declaration block. Default priority is not “important” i.e. String.Empty

public void SetProperty(String propertyName, String value)
propertyNameStringA String representing the CSS property name (hyphen case) to be modified.
valueStringA String containing the new property value. If not specified, treated as the empty String.

See Also

SetProperty(String, String, String)

The CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty() method interface is used to set a property value with default priority within this declaration block. Default priority is not “important” i.e. String.Empty

public void SetProperty(String propertyName, String value, String priority)
propertyNameStringA String representing the CSS property name (hyphen case) to be modified.
valueStringA String containing the new property value. If not specified, treated as the empty String.
priorityStringA String allowing the “important” CSS priority to be set. If not specified, treated as the empty String. The following values are accepted: String value “important”, keyword undefined or String empty value ""

See Also