Class TtfHheaTable

TtfHheaTable class

Represents “hhea” table of the TTF Font file.

public class TtfHheaTable : TtfTableBase


AdvanceWidthMax { get; }Gets uFWord advanceWidthMax must be consistent with horizontal metrics.
Ascent { get; }Gets the ascent.
CaretSlopeRise { get; }Gets caret slop rise.
CaretSlopeRun { get; }Gets caret slop run.
Descent { get; }Gets the descent.
LineGap { get; }Gets the lineGap.
MinLeftSideBearing { get; }Gets the MinLeftSideBearing value.
MinRightSideBearing { get; }Gets the MinRightSideBearing value.
NumOfLongHorMetrics { get; }Gets uint16 numOfLongHorMetrics number of advance widths in metrics table.
Offset { get; }Gets offset from beginning of sfnt.
TtfTables { get; }Reference to TTF table repository.
XMaxExtent { get; }Gets the XMaxExtent value.
static Tag { get; }Gets table tag.

See Also