
The Aspose.Font.Exceptions namespace provides classes describing exceptions used in Aspose.Font.


EncodingExceptionRepresents encoding exception. The exception can be thrown in case problem with encoding/decoding text.
FontAgrumentExceptionRepresents Font argument exception. The exception can be thrown in case improper agrument usages.
FontConversionExceptionRepresents Font conversion exception. The exception can be thrown in case of errors during font conversion process.
FontCreationExceptionRepresents Font creation exception. The exception can be thrown in case errors during font creation process.
FontExceptionRepresents common Font processing related exception.
FontNotSupportedOperationExceptionRepresents not supported operation exception. The exception can be thrown in case some operation is not supported for particular Font type.
LicenseRestrictionExceptionRepresents exception which can be thrown on attempt to execute functionality which is restricted in evaluation mode.
SvgConversionExceptionRepresents Font conversion exception. The exception can be thrown in case of errors during font conversion process.