Class OlmStorage

OlmStorage class

Represents Outlook for Mac storage (.OLM) file.

public class OlmStorage : IDisposable


OlmStorage(Stream)Initializes a new instance of the OlmStorage class.
OlmStorage(string)Initializes a new instance of the OlmStorage class.
OlmStorage(TraversalExceptionsCallback)Initializes a new instance of the OlmStorage class. Allows setting a callback method for handling exceptions that occur during OLM storage traversal.


FolderHierarchy { get; }Gets the folder hierarchy.


static FromFile(string)Load OLM storage from file.
static FromStream(Stream)Load OLM from stream.
Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
EnumerateMessages(OlmFolder)Exposes the enumerator, which supports an iteration of messages in folder.
ExtractMapiMessage(OlmMessageInfo)Get the message from OLM storage.
ExtractMapiMessage(string)Get the message from OLM.
GetCategories()Gets the supported item categories.
GetFolder(string, bool)Gets the folder by name.
GetFolders()Gets collection of folders.
GetTotalItemsCount()Gets the total items count. Returns the total number of message items contained in the OLM.
Load(Stream)Load OLM storage from stream. This method is used when a OlmStorage object is created using constructor with the TraversalExceptionsCallback parameter.
Load(string)Load OLM storage from file. This method is used when a OlmStorage object is created using constructor with the TraversalExceptionsCallback parameter.

See Also