
SearchResponseStore class

Contains the Status, Result, Range, and Total elements for the returned mailbox entries.

public class SearchResponseStore


Name Description
SearchResponseStore() The default constructor.


Name Description
Range { get; set; } Specifies the number of matching entries that are being returned. The format of the Range element value is in the form of a zero-based index specifier, formed with a zero, a hyphen, and another numeric value: “m-n.” The m indicates the lowest index of a zero-based array that would hold the items. The n indicates the highest index of a zero-based array that would hold the items. For example, a Range element value of 0–9 indicates 10 items, and 0–10 indicates 11 items. A Range element value of 0–0 indicates 1 item. If Range is null, the default Range value for each Store type is used. The following table identifies the default Range values and maximum results returned for each Store type: Mailbox - Default range value: 0-99 - Maximum results returned: 100 DocumentLibrary - Default range value: 0-999 - Maximum results returned: 1000 GAL - Default range value: 0-99 - Maximum results returned: 100 If the Range value specified in the request exceeds the default range value, a Status value of 12 is returned to indicate that the maximum range has been exceeded. In the Search command response, the Total property indicates an estimate of the total number of entries that matched the Query value. Search results are stored in a search folder on the server. This way, when a client comes back with the same query but a new row range, rows are pulled from the result set that is currently stored in the search folder. The entire result set does not have to be rebuilt.
Result { get; } The list of matched items.
Status { get; set; } Indicates the result of an operation.
Total { get; set; } Provides an estimate of the total number of mailbox entries that matched the search Query value. The value of the Total does not always equal the number of entries that are returned. To determine the number of entries that are returned by the Search command, use the Range value. The Total indicates the number of entries that are available. In cases where all the results are returned in the response XML, the value of the Total element is one more than the end-index value that is provided in the Range element. For example, if the Search command returns 15 entries, the value of the Range element is 0–14, while the value of the Total is 15. The Total is used by clients to determine whether more matching entries were found in the mailbox than have been returned by the Search command. For example, a client might perform an initial search and specify a requested Range of 0–4 (return 5 entries maximum). If the Total element indicates that there are actually 25 matching items, the client can then enable the user to retrieve the full results.

See Also