

AdjustableArrowCapRepresents an adjustable arrow-shaped line cap.
BlendDefines a blend pattern for a LinearGradientBrush object.
ColorBlendDefines arrays of colors and positions used for interpolating color blending in a multicolor gradient.
CombineModeSpecifies how different clipping regions can be combined.
CompositingModeSpecifies how the source colors are combined with the background colors.
CompositingQualitySpecifies the quality level to use during compositing.
CoordinateSpaceSpecifies the system to use when evaluating coordinates.
CustomLineCapEncapsulates a custom user-defined line cap.
DashCapSpecifies the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line.
DashStyleSpecifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a Pen object.
FillModeSpecifies how the interior of a closed path is filled.
FlushIntentionSpecifies whether commands in the graphics stack are terminated (flushed) immediately or executed as soon as possible.
GraphicsContainerRepresents the internal data of a graphics container.
GraphicsPathRepresents a series of connected lines and curves.
GraphicsPathIteratorProvides the ability to iterate through subpaths in a GraphicsPath and test the types of shapes contained in each subpath.
GraphicsStateRepresents the state of a Graphics object.
HatchBrushDefines a rectangular brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color.
HatchStyleSpecifies the different patterns available for HatchBrush objects.
InterpolationModeThe InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.
LineCapSpecifies the available cap styles with which a Pen object can end a line.
LineJoinSpecifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments in a figure (subpath) contained in a GraphicsPath object.
LinearGradientBrushEncapsulates a Brush with a linear gradient.
LinearGradientModeSpecifies the direction of a linear gradient.
MatrixEncapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform.
MatrixOrderSpecifies the order for matrix transform operations.
PathDataContains the graphical data that makes up a GraphicsPath object.
PathGradientBrushEncapsulates a Brush object that fills the interior of a GraphicsPath object with a gradient.
PathPointTypeSpecifies the type of point in a GraphicsPath object.
PenAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a Pen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line.
PenTypeSpecifies the type of fill a Pen object uses to fill lines.
PixelOffsetModeSpecifies how pixels are offset during rendering.
RegionDataEncapsulates the data that makes up a Region object.
SmoothingModeSpecifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas.
WarpModeSpecifies the type of warp transformation applied in a Warp method.
WrapModeSpecifies how a texture or gradient is tiled when it is smaller than the area being filled.