
Aspose.Drawing is a graphics API that provides the capability of 2D drawings identical to GDI+ in your .NET applications.


BitmapEncapsulates a bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes.
BrushDefines objects used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
BrushesBrushes for all the standard colors.
CharacterRangeSpecifies a range of character positions within a string.
ColorRepresents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
ColorConverterConverts colors from one data type to another.
ColorTranslatorTranslates colors to and from GDI+ Color structures.
ContentAlignmentSpecifies alignment of content on the drawing surface.
CopyPixelOperationDetermines how the source color in a copy pixel operation is combined with the destination color to result in a final color.
DrawingSettingsAllows to adjust the behavior of the drawing library in case of using of some features that are not yet implemented completely.
FeaturesFeatures of Aspose.Drawing library.
FontDefines a particular format for text, including font face, size, and style attributes.
FontCollectionProvides a base class for installed and private font collections.
FontDefinitionExtClass contains font definition,
FontFamilyDefines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles.
FontFamilyDefinitionThe font family definition.
FontStyleSpecifies style information applied to text.
GraphicsEncapsulates drawing surface.
GraphicsUnitSpecifies the unit of measure for the given data.
IconRepresents a Windows icon, which is a small bitmap image that is used to represent an object.
ImageAn abstract base class that provides functionality for the Bitmap and Metafile descended classes.
Image.GetThumbnailImageAbortProvides a callback method for determining when the .#getThumbnailImage(int, int, GetThumbnailImageAbort, IntPtr) method should prematurely cancel execution.
KnownColorSpecifies the known system colors.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
MeteredExtProvides methods to set metered key.
PenDefines an object used to draw lines and curves.
PensPens for all the standard colors.
PointRepresents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
PointFRepresents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
RectangleStores a set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
RectangleFStores a set of four floating-point numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
RegionDescribes the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles and paths.
RotateFlipTypeSpecifies the direction of an image’s rotation and the axis used to flip the image.
SizeStores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
SizeFStores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
SolidBrushDefines a brush of a single color.
StringAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
StringDigitSubstituteThe StringDigitSubstitute enumeration specifies how to substitute digits in a string according to a user’s locale or language.
StringFormatEncapsulates text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features.
StringFormatFlagsSpecifies the display and layout information for text strings.
StringTrimmingSpecifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
SystemColorsEach property of the SystemColors class is a Color structure that is the color of a Windows display element.
SystemFontsSpecifies the fonts used to display text in Windows display elements.
SystemIconsEach property of the SystemIcons class is an Icon object for Windows system-wide icons.
TextureBrushEach property of the TextureBrush class is a Brush object that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape.