Aspose::Words::Tables::Row::GetText method

Row::GetText method

Gets the text of all cells in this row including the end of row character.

System::String Aspose::Words::Tables::Row::GetText() override


Returns concatenated text of all child nodes with the end of row character Cell appended at the end.

The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in ControlChar.


Shows how to print the node structure of every table in a document.

void TableToText()
    auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"DocumentVisitor-compatible features.docx");
    auto visitor = MakeObject<ExDocumentVisitor::TableStructurePrinter>();

    // When we get a composite node to accept a document visitor, the visitor visits the accepting node,
    // and then traverses all the node's children in a depth-first manner.
    // The visitor can read and modify each visited node.

    std::cout << visitor->GetText() << std::endl;

class TableStructurePrinter : public DocumentVisitor
    TableStructurePrinter() : mVisitorIsInsideTable(false), mDocTraversalDepth(0)
        mVisitedTables = MakeObject<System::Text::StringBuilder>();
        mVisitorIsInsideTable = false;

    String GetText()
        return mVisitedTables->ToString();

    VisitorAction VisitRun(SharedPtr<Run> run) override
        if (mVisitorIsInsideTable)
            IndentAndAppendLine(String(u"[Run] \"") + run->GetText() + u"\"");

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitTableStart(SharedPtr<Table> table) override
        int rows = 0;
        int columns = 0;

        if (table->get_Rows()->get_Count() > 0)
            rows = table->get_Rows()->get_Count();
            columns = table->get_FirstRow()->get_Count();

        IndentAndAppendLine(String(u"[Table start] Size: ") + rows + u"x" + columns);
        mVisitorIsInsideTable = true;

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitTableEnd(SharedPtr<Table> table) override
        IndentAndAppendLine(u"[Table end]");
        mVisitorIsInsideTable = false;

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitRowStart(SharedPtr<Row> row) override
        String rowContents = row->GetText().TrimEnd(MakeArray<char16_t>({u'\x0007', u' '})).Replace(u"\u0007", u", ");
        int rowWidth = row->IndexOf(row->get_LastCell()) + 1;
        int rowIndex = row->get_ParentTable()->IndexOf(row);
        String rowStatusInTable = row->get_IsFirstRow() && row->get_IsLastRow() ? u"only"
                                  : row->get_IsFirstRow()                       ? u"first"
                                  : row->get_IsLastRow()                        ? String(u"last")
                                                                                : String(u"");
        if (rowStatusInTable != u"")
            rowStatusInTable = String::Format(u", the {0} row in this table,", rowStatusInTable);

        IndentAndAppendLine(String::Format(u"[Row start] Row #{0}{1} width {2}, \"{3}\"", ++rowIndex, rowStatusInTable, rowWidth, rowContents));

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitRowEnd(SharedPtr<Row> row) override
        IndentAndAppendLine(u"[Row end]");

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitCellStart(SharedPtr<Cell> cell) override
        SharedPtr<Row> row = cell->get_ParentRow();
        SharedPtr<Table> table = row->get_ParentTable();
        String cellStatusInRow = cell->get_IsFirstCell() && cell->get_IsLastCell() ? u"only"
                                 : cell->get_IsFirstCell()                         ? u"first"
                                 : cell->get_IsLastCell()                          ? String(u"last")
                                                                                   : String(u"");
        if (cellStatusInRow != u"")
            cellStatusInRow = String::Format(u", the {0} cell in this row", cellStatusInRow);

        IndentAndAppendLine(String::Format(u"[Cell start] Row {0}, Col {1}{2}", table->IndexOf(row) + 1, row->IndexOf(cell) + 1, cellStatusInRow));

        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    VisitorAction VisitCellEnd(SharedPtr<Cell> cell) override
        IndentAndAppendLine(u"[Cell end]");
        return VisitorAction::Continue;

    bool mVisitorIsInsideTable;
    int mDocTraversalDepth;
    SharedPtr<System::Text::StringBuilder> mVisitedTables;

    void IndentAndAppendLine(String text)
        for (int i = 0; i < mDocTraversalDepth; i++)
            mVisitedTables->Append(u"|  ");


See Also