Aspose::Words::Math::OfficeMath::GetMathRenderer method

OfficeMath::GetMathRenderer method

Creates and returns an object that can be used to render this equation into an image.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Rendering::OfficeMathRenderer> Aspose::Words::Math::OfficeMath::GetMathRenderer()


The renderer object for this equation.


This method just invokes the OfficeMathRenderer constructor and passes this object as a parameter.


Shows how to render an Office Math object into an image file in the local file system.

auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Office math.docx");

auto math = System::ExplicitCast<OfficeMath>(doc->GetChild(NodeType::OfficeMath, 0, true));

// Create an "ImageSaveOptions" object to pass to the node renderer's "Save" method to modify
// how it renders the OfficeMath node into an image.
auto saveOptions = MakeObject<ImageSaveOptions>(SaveFormat::Png);

// Set the "Scale" property to 5 to render the object to five times its original size.

math->GetMathRenderer()->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Shape.RenderOfficeMath.png", saveOptions);

See Also