
CustomLineCap::CustomLineCap(const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&, const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&, LineCap, float) constructor

Constructs a new instance of CustomLineCap class that represents a user-defined line cap with the specified properties.

System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CustomLineCap::CustomLineCap(const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath> &fillPath, const SharedPtr<GraphicsPath> &strokePath, LineCap baseCap=LineCap::Flat, float baseInset=0)


fillPathconst SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&Specifies a fill for the custom cap
strokePathconst SharedPtr<GraphicsPath>&Specifies an outline of the custom cap
baseCapLineCapThe base line cap from which the custom cap is created
baseInsetfloatSpecifies the distance between the line and the cap

See Also