Pointer class to wrap types being allocated on heap. Use it to manage memory for classes inheriting Object. This pointer type follows intrusive pointer semantics. Reference counter is stored either in Object itself or in counter structure which is tied to Object instance tightly. In any case, all SmartPtr instances form single ownership group regardless how they were created which is unlike how std::shared_ptr class behaves. Converting raw pointer to SmartPtr is safe given there are other SmartPtr instances holding shared references to the same object. SmartPtr class instance can be in one of two states: shared pointer and weak pointer. To keep object alive, one should have count of shared references to it positive. Both weak and shared pointers can be used to access pointed object (to call methods, read or write fields, etc.), but weak pointers do not participate to shared pointer reference counting. Object is being deleted when the last 'shared' SmartPtr pointer to it is being destroyed. So, make sure that this doesn't happen when no other shared SmartPtr pointers to object exist, e. g. during object construction or destruction. Use System::Object::ThisProtector sentry objects (in C++ code) or CppCTORSelfReference or CppSelfReference attribute (in C# code being translated) to fix this issue. Similarily, make sure to break loop references by using System::WeakPtr pointer class or System::SmartPtrMode::Weak pointer mode (in C++ code) or CppWeakPtr attribute (in C# code being translated). If two or more objects reference each other using 'shared' pointers, they will never be deleted. If pointer type (weak or shared) should be switched in runtime, use System::SmartPtr<T>::set_Mode() method or System::DynamicWeakPtr class. SmartPtr class doesn't contain any virtual methods. You should only inherit it if you're creating a memory management strategy of your own. This type is a pointer to manage other object's deletion. It should be allocated on stack and passed to functions either by value or by const reference. More...

Inherited by System::Collections::BitArrayPtr, System::Collections::Generic::DictionaryPtr< T, V >, System::Collections::Generic::HashSetPtr< T >, System::Collections::Generic::ListPtr< T >, System::Collections::Generic::QueuePtr< T >, System::Collections::Generic::SortedDictionaryPtr< T, V >, System::Collections::Generic::SortedSetPtr< T >, System::Collections::Generic::StackPtr< T >, System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollectionPtr, System::DynamicWeakPtr< T, trunkMode, weakLeafs >, System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2CollectionPtr, System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509CertificateCollectionPtr, System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509ExtensionCollectionPtr, System::Text::RegularExpressions::GroupCollectionPtr, and System::WeakPtr< T >.

Public Types

typedef T Pointee_
 Pointed type. More...
typedef SmartPtr< T > SmartPtr_
 Specialized smart pointer type. More...
typedef System::Details::ArrayTypeResolver< T >::type ArrayType
 Same as Pointee_, if it is a specialization of System::Array, and void otherwise. More...
using ValueType = typename System::Details::SelectType< typename System::Details::ArrayTypeResolver< T >::value_type >::type
 Storage type of pointed array. Only meaningful if T is a specialization of System::Array. More...

Public Member Functions

 SmartPtr (SmartPtrMode mode)
 Creates SmartPtr object of required mode. More...
 SmartPtr (std::nullptr_t=nullptr, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Creates null-pointer SmartPtr object of required mode. More...
 SmartPtr (Pointee_ *object, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Creates SmartPtr pointing to specified object, or converts raw pointer to SmartPtr. More...
 SmartPtr (const SmartPtr_ &ptr, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Copy constructs SmartPtr object. Both pointers point to the same object afterwards. More...
template<class Q , typename = typename std::enable_if<System::detail::is_pointer_convertible<Q, Pointee_>::type::value>::type>
 SmartPtr (const SmartPtr< Q > &x, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Copy constructs SmartPtr object. Both pointers point to the same object afterwards. Performs type conversion if allowed. More...
 SmartPtr (SmartPtr_ &&x, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared) noexcept
 Move constructs SmartPtr object. Effectively, swaps two pointers, if they are both of same mode. x may be unusable after call. More...
template<typename Y >
 SmartPtr (const SmartPtr< Array< Y >> &src, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Converts type of referenced array by creating a new array of different type. Useful if in C# there is an array type cast which is unsupported in C++. More...
template<typename Y , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Y, EmptyArrayInitializer>::value, void>::type>
 SmartPtr (const Y &)
 Initializes empty array. Used to translate some C# code constructs. More...
template<typename P >
 SmartPtr (const SmartPtr< P > &ptr, Pointee_ *p, SmartPtrMode mode=SmartPtrMode::Shared)
 Constructs a SmartPtr which shares ownership information with the initial value of ptr, but holds an unrelated and unmanaged pointer p. More...
 ~SmartPtr ()
 Destroys SmartPtr object. If required, decreases pointed object's reference counter and deletes object. More...
SmartPtr_operator= (SmartPtr_ &&x) noexcept
 Move-assigns SmartPtr object. x becomes unusable. More...
SmartPtr_operator= (const SmartPtr_ &x)
 Copy-assigns SmartPtr object. More...
template<typename Q >
SmartPtr_operator= (const SmartPtr< Q > &x)
 Copy-assigns SmartPtr object. Does required type conversions. More...
SmartPtr_operator= (Pointee_ *p)
 Assigns raw pointer to SmartPtr object. More...
SmartPtr_operator= (std::nullptr_t)
 Sets pointer value to nullptr. More...
Pointee_operator-> () const
 Allows to access members of referenced object. More...
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t) const
 Checks if pointer points to nullptr. More...
Pointee_get () const
 Gets pointed object. More...
Pointee_get_shared () const
 Gets pointed object, but asserts that pointer is in shared mode. More...
void reset (Pointee_ *ptr)
 Sets pointed object. More...
void reset ()
 Makes pointer pointing to nullptr. More...
SmartPtrMode get_Mode () const
 Gets pointer mode. More...
bool IsShared () const
 Checks if pointer is in shared mode. More...
bool IsWeak () const
 Checks if pointer is in weak mode. More...
bool IsAliasingPtr () const
 Checks if pointer is pointed to another object than owned (created by an aliasing constructor). More...
ObjectGetObjectOwner () const
 Gets referenced object. More...
SmartPtr_ RemoveAliasing () const
 Removes aliasing (created by an aliasing constructor) from pointer, makes sure it manages (if shared) or tracks (if weak) the same object it points to. More...
void set_Mode (SmartPtrMode mode)
 Sets pointer mode. May alter referenced object's reference counts. More...
Pointee_operator* () const
 Gets reference to pointed object. Asserts that pointer is not null. More...
 operator bool () const noexcept
 Checks if pointer is not null. More...
bool operator! () const noexcept
 Checks if pointer is null. More...
template<class Y >
bool operator< (Y *p) const
 Provides less-compare semantics for SmartPtr class. More...
template<class Y >
bool operator< (SmartPtr< Y > const &x) const
 Provides less-compare semantics for SmartPtr class. More...
template<class Y >
SmartPtr< Y > static_pointer_cast () const
 Casts pointer to different type using static_cast on pointed object. More...
template<class Y >
SmartPtr< Y > dynamic_pointer_cast () const
 Casts pointer to different type using dynamic_cast on pointed object. More...
template<class Y >
SmartPtr< Y > const_pointer_cast () const
 Casts pointer to different type using const_cast on pointed object. More...
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< Y, T >::value, SmartPtr< Y > > Cast () const
 Casts pointer to its type itself. More...
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< Y, T >::value &&std::is_base_of< Y, T >::value, SmartPtr< Y > > Cast () const
 Casts pointer to base type using static_cast. More...
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t< Check::value &&!std::is_same< Y, T >::value &&!std::is_base_of< Y, T >::value, SmartPtr< Y > > Cast () const
 Casts pointer to derived type dynamic_cast. More...
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<!Check::value &&!std::is_same< Y, T >::value &&!std::is_base_of< Y, T >::value, SmartPtr< Y > > Cast () const
 Casts pointer to derived type dynamic_cast. More...
bool Is (const System::TypeInfo &target) const
 Checks if pointed object is of specific type or its child type. Follows C# 'is' semantics. More...
ObjectGetObjectOrNull () const
 Gets pointed object (if any) or nullptr. Same as get(). More...
SmartPtr< ObjectToObjectPtr () const
 Converts any pointer type to pointer to Object. Doesn't require Pointee_ type to be complete. More...
Pointee_GetPointer () const
 Gets pointed object (if any) or nullptr. Same as get(). More...
int get_shared_count () const
 Gets number of shared pointers existing to referenced object, including current one. Asserts current pointer being in shared mode. More...
void SetContainedTemplateWeakPtr (uint32_t argument) const
 Calls SetTemplateWeakPtr() method on pointed object (if any). More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto begin () -> decltype(std::declval< Q >().begin())
 Accessor for begin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with begin() method. More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto end () -> decltype(std::declval< Q >().end())
 Accessor for end() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with end() method. More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto begin () const -> decltype(std::declval< const Q >().begin())
 Accessor for begin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with begin() method. More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto end () const -> decltype(std::declval< const Q >().end())
 Accessor for end() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with end() method. More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto cbegin () const -> decltype(std::declval< const Q >().cbegin())
 Accessor for cbegin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with cbegin() method. More...
template<typename Q = T>
auto cend () const -> decltype(std::declval< const Q >().cend())
 Accessor for cend() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with cend() method. More...
int GetHashCode () const
 Calls GetHashCode() on pointed object. More...
T * GetObjectNotNull () const
 Gets currently referenced object (if any) or throws. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const System::TypeInfoType ()
 Shortcut to get System::TypeInfo object for the Pointee_ type. More...

Public Attributes

template<typename IdxType >
decltype(System::Details::GetByIndex(std::declval< const SmartPtr_ * >(), std::declval< IdxType >()) operator[] )(IdxType idx) const
 Accessor for array elements. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization of System::Array. More...

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class System::SmartPtr< T >

Pointer class to wrap types being allocated on heap. Use it to manage memory for classes inheriting Object. This pointer type follows intrusive pointer semantics. Reference counter is stored either in Object itself or in counter structure which is tied to Object instance tightly. In any case, all SmartPtr instances form single ownership group regardless how they were created which is unlike how std::shared_ptr class behaves. Converting raw pointer to SmartPtr is safe given there are other SmartPtr instances holding shared references to the same object. SmartPtr class instance can be in one of two states: shared pointer and weak pointer. To keep object alive, one should have count of shared references to it positive. Both weak and shared pointers can be used to access pointed object (to call methods, read or write fields, etc.), but weak pointers do not participate to shared pointer reference counting. Object is being deleted when the last 'shared' SmartPtr pointer to it is being destroyed. So, make sure that this doesn't happen when no other shared SmartPtr pointers to object exist, e. g. during object construction or destruction. Use System::Object::ThisProtector sentry objects (in C++ code) or CppCTORSelfReference or CppSelfReference attribute (in C# code being translated) to fix this issue. Similarily, make sure to break loop references by using System::WeakPtr pointer class or System::SmartPtrMode::Weak pointer mode (in C++ code) or CppWeakPtr attribute (in C# code being translated). If two or more objects reference each other using 'shared' pointers, they will never be deleted. If pointer type (weak or shared) should be switched in runtime, use System::SmartPtr<T>::set_Mode() method or System::DynamicWeakPtr class. SmartPtr class doesn't contain any virtual methods. You should only inherit it if you're creating a memory management strategy of your own. This type is a pointer to manage other object's deletion. It should be allocated on stack and passed to functions either by value or by const reference.

Template Parameters
TType of the pointed object. Must be either System::Object or subclass of it.
#include "system/object.h"
#include "system/smart_ptr.h"
#include <iostream>
// The forward declaration of ChildNode.
class ChildNode;
// This class contains SharedPtr to the ChildNode-class instance.
class ParentNode: public System::Object
// This class stores an int32_t value and contains WeakPtr to the ParentNode-class instance to exclude circular
// dependencies.
class ChildNode: public System::Object
int32_t m_value;
explicit ChildNode(int32_t value) : m_value(value) {}
int32_t getValue() const
return m_value;
// The function constructs instances and creates dependencies between instances of the ParentNode and ChildNode classes.
auto parent = System::MakeObject<ParentNode>();
auto child = System::MakeObject<ChildNode>(16);
parent->childNode = child;
child->parentNode = parent;
return parent;
// This function prints information about instances.
void PrintInfo(System::WeakPtr<ChildNode> &childNode)
std::cout << "The pointer to an instance of the ChildNode class has expired: " << (childNode.expired() ? "True" : "False") << std::endl;
if (!childNode.expired())
std::cout << "Stored value: " << childNode->getValue() << std::endl;
std::cout << "The pointer to a parent node has expired: " << (childNode->parentNode.expired() ? "True" : "False") << std::endl;
int main()
auto parent = getParenNode();
child = parent->childNode;
std::cout << "------" << std::endl;
return 0;
* This code example produces the following output:
* The pointer to an instance of the ChildNode class has expired: False
* Stored value: 16
* The pointer to a parent node has expired: False
* ------
* The pointer to an instance of the ChildNode class has expired: True

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrayType

template<class T>
typedef System::Details::ArrayTypeResolver<T>::type System::SmartPtr< T >::ArrayType

Same as Pointee_, if it is a specialization of System::Array, and void otherwise.

◆ Pointee_

template<class T>
typedef T System::SmartPtr< T >::Pointee_

Pointed type.

◆ SmartPtr_

template<class T>
typedef SmartPtr<T> System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr_

Specialized smart pointer type.

◆ ValueType

template<class T>
using System::SmartPtr< T >::ValueType = typename System::Details::SelectType<typename System::Details::ArrayTypeResolver<T>::value_type>::type

Storage type of pointed array. Only meaningful if T is a specialization of System::Array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmartPtr() [1/9]

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( SmartPtrMode  mode)

Creates SmartPtr object of required mode.

modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [2/9]

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( std::nullptr_t  = nullptr,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Creates null-pointer SmartPtr object of required mode.

modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [3/9]

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( Pointee_ object,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Creates SmartPtr pointing to specified object, or converts raw pointer to SmartPtr.

modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [4/9]

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( const SmartPtr_ ptr,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Copy constructs SmartPtr object. Both pointers point to the same object afterwards.

ptrPointer to copy.
modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [5/9]

template<class T>
template<class Q , typename = typename std::enable_if<System::detail::is_pointer_convertible<Q, Pointee_>::type::value>::type>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( const SmartPtr< Q > &  x,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Copy constructs SmartPtr object. Both pointers point to the same object afterwards. Performs type conversion if allowed.

Template Parameters
QType of object pointed by x.
xPointer to copy.
modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [6/9]

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( SmartPtr_ &&  x,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Move constructs SmartPtr object. Effectively, swaps two pointers, if they are both of same mode. x may be unusable after call.

xPointer to move.
modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [7/9]

template<class T>
template<typename Y >
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( const SmartPtr< Array< Y >> &  src,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Converts type of referenced array by creating a new array of different type. Useful if in C# there is an array type cast which is unsupported in C++.

Template Parameters
YType of source array.
srcPointer to array to create a copy of, but with different type of elements.
modePointer mode.

◆ SmartPtr() [8/9]

template<class T>
template<typename Y , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Y, EmptyArrayInitializer>::value, void>::type>
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( const Y &  )

Initializes empty array. Used to translate some C# code constructs.

Template Parameters
YPlaceholder of EmptyArrayInitializer type.

◆ SmartPtr() [9/9]

template<class T>
template<typename P >
System::SmartPtr< T >::SmartPtr ( const SmartPtr< P > &  ptr,
Pointee_ p,
SmartPtrMode  mode = SmartPtrMode::Shared 

Constructs a SmartPtr which shares ownership information with the initial value of ptr, but holds an unrelated and unmanaged pointer p.

ptrAnother smart pointer to share the ownership to the ownership from.
pPointer to an object to manage.
modePointer mode.
#include "system/object.h"
#include "system/smart_ptr.h"
#include <iostream>
// This class contains a field that will be printed.
class Foo : public System::Object
std::string value = "Hello, world!";
// This class contains an instance of the Foo class.
class Bar : public System::Object
Foo data;
// Used to print a string from the Foo-class instance.
void PrintMessage(const System::SharedPtr<Foo> &foo)
std::cout << foo->value << std::endl;
// Prints the number of shared pointers pointing to the object.
void PrintSharedCount(const System::SharedPtr<Bar> &ptr)
std::cout << "Number of shared pointers: " << ptr.get_shared_count() << std::endl;
int main()
// Create SharedPtr to an instance of the Bar class.
auto bar = System::MakeObject<Bar>();
// Create SharedPtr that will point to the field of the Bar-class instance.
auto foo = System::SharedPtr<Foo>(bar, &bar->data);
// Make the 'bar' pointer pointing to nullptr.
// bar->data still exists and the 'foo' pointer is valid.
return 0;
* This code example produces the following output:
* Number of shared pointers: 1
* Number of shared pointers: 2
* Number of shared pointers: 0
* Hello, world!

◆ ~SmartPtr()

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::~SmartPtr ( )

Destroys SmartPtr object. If required, decreases pointed object's reference counter and deletes object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::begin ( ) -> decltype(std::declval<Q>().begin())

Accessor for begin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with begin() method.

iterator to the begin of collection

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::begin ( ) const -> decltype(std::declval<const Q>().begin())

Accessor for begin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with begin() method.

iterator to the begin of collection

◆ Cast() [1/4]

template<class T>
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<Y, T>::value, SmartPtr<Y> > System::SmartPtr< T >::Cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to its type itself.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
CheckFlags to throw exception if no cast available.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode.

◆ Cast() [2/4]

template<class T>
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<Y, T>::value && std::is_base_of<Y, T>::value, SmartPtr<Y> > System::SmartPtr< T >::Cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to base type using static_cast.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
CheckFlags to throw exception if no cast available.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode.

◆ Cast() [3/4]

template<class T>
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<Check::value && !std::is_same<Y, T>::value && !std::is_base_of<Y, T>::value, SmartPtr<Y> > System::SmartPtr< T >::Cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to derived type dynamic_cast.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
CheckFlags to throw exception if no cast available.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode. Throws InvalidCastException if no conversion available.

◆ Cast() [4/4]

template<class T>
template<class Y , typename Check = std::false_type>
std::enable_if_t<!Check::value && !std::is_same<Y, T>::value && !std::is_base_of<Y, T>::value, SmartPtr<Y> > System::SmartPtr< T >::Cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to derived type dynamic_cast.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
CheckFlags to throw exception if no cast available.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode. Returns nullptr if no conversion available.

◆ cbegin()

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::cbegin ( ) const -> decltype(std::declval<const Q>().cbegin())

Accessor for cbegin() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with cbegin() method.

iterator to the begin of collection

◆ cend()

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::cend ( ) const -> decltype(std::declval<const Q>().cend())

Accessor for cend() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with cend() method.

iterator to the end of collection

◆ const_pointer_cast()

template<class T>
template<class Y >
SmartPtr<Y> System::SmartPtr< T >::const_pointer_cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to different type using const_cast on pointed object.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode.

◆ dynamic_pointer_cast()

template<class T>
template<class Y >
SmartPtr<Y> System::SmartPtr< T >::dynamic_pointer_cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to different type using dynamic_cast on pointed object.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::end ( ) -> decltype(std::declval<Q>().end())

Accessor for end() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with end() method.

iterator to the end of collection

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class T>
template<typename Q = T>
auto System::SmartPtr< T >::end ( ) const -> decltype(std::declval<const Q>().end())

Accessor for end() method of an underling collection. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization type with end() method.

iterator to the end of collection

◆ get()

template<class T>
Pointee_* System::SmartPtr< T >::get ( ) const

Gets pointed object.

Raw pointer to referenced object.

◆ get_Mode()

template<class T>
SmartPtrMode System::SmartPtr< T >::get_Mode ( ) const

Gets pointer mode.

Mode of pointer object.

◆ get_shared()

template<class T>
Pointee_* System::SmartPtr< T >::get_shared ( ) const

Gets pointed object, but asserts that pointer is in shared mode.

Raw pointer to referenced object.

◆ get_shared_count()

template<class T>
int System::SmartPtr< T >::get_shared_count ( ) const

Gets number of shared pointers existing to referenced object, including current one. Asserts current pointer being in shared mode.

Number of shared pointers existing to referenced object, if any. If pointer is null, returns 0.

◆ GetHashCode()

template<class T>
int System::SmartPtr< T >::GetHashCode ( ) const

Calls GetHashCode() on pointed object.

Result of GetHashCode() call on referenced object (if any) or 0.

◆ GetObjectNotNull()

template<class T>
T* System::SmartPtr< T >::GetObjectNotNull ( ) const

Gets currently referenced object (if any) or throws.

Raw pointer to referenced object.
System::NullReferenceExceptionThrown if called on null-pointer.

◆ GetObjectOrNull()

template<class T>
Object* System::SmartPtr< T >::GetObjectOrNull ( ) const

Gets pointed object (if any) or nullptr. Same as get().

Raw pointer to referenced object (if any) or nullptr.

◆ GetObjectOwner()

template<class T>
Object* System::SmartPtr< T >::GetObjectOwner ( ) const

Gets referenced object.

Return raw pointer to referenced object or nullptr.

◆ GetPointer()

template<class T>
Pointee_* System::SmartPtr< T >::GetPointer ( ) const

Gets pointed object (if any) or nullptr. Same as get().

Raw pointer to referenced object (if any) or nullptr.

◆ Is()

template<typename T >
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::Is ( const System::TypeInfo target) const

Checks if pointed object is of specific type or its child type. Follows C# 'is' semantics.


targetSpecifies target type to check against.
True if C# 'is'-style check is positive and false otherwise.

◆ IsAliasingPtr()

template<class T>
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::IsAliasingPtr ( ) const

Checks if pointer is pointed to another object than owned (created by an aliasing constructor).

True if pointer has a difference in pointed and owned objects, false otherwise.

◆ IsShared()

template<class T>
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::IsShared ( ) const

Checks if pointer is in shared mode.

True if pointer is in shared mode, false otherwise.

◆ IsWeak()

template<class T>
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::IsWeak ( ) const

Checks if pointer is in weak mode.

True if pointer is in weak mode, false otherwise.

◆ operator bool()

template<class T>
System::SmartPtr< T >::operator bool ( ) const

Checks if pointer is not null.

False if pointer is null, true otherwise.

◆ operator!()

template<class T>
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::operator! ( ) const

Checks if pointer is null.

True if pointer is null, false otherwise.

◆ operator*()

template<class T>
Pointee_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator* ( ) const

Gets reference to pointed object. Asserts that pointer is not null.

Reference to pointed object.

◆ operator->()

template<class T>
Pointee_* System::SmartPtr< T >::operator-> ( ) const

Allows to access members of referenced object.

Raw pointer to referenced object.
System::NullReferenceExceptionIf pointer is null.

◆ operator<() [1/2]

template<class T>
template<class Y >
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::operator< ( Y *  p) const

Provides less-compare semantics for SmartPtr class.

Template Parameters
YType of pointer to compare current one to.
pPointer to compare current one to.
True if the object referenced by SmartPtr is 'less' than p and false otherwise.

◆ operator<() [2/2]

template<class T>
template<class Y >
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::operator< ( SmartPtr< Y > const &  x) const

Provides less-compare semantics for SmartPtr class.

Template Parameters
YType of pointer to compare current one to.
xPointer to compare current one to.
True if the object referenced by SmartPtr is 'less' than x and false otherwise.

◆ operator=() [1/5]

template<class T>
SmartPtr_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator= ( SmartPtr_ &&  x)

Move-assigns SmartPtr object. x becomes unusable.

xPointer to move-assign.
Reference to this object.

◆ operator=() [2/5]

template<class T>
SmartPtr_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator= ( const SmartPtr_ x)

Copy-assigns SmartPtr object.

xPointer to copy-assign.
Reference to this object.

◆ operator=() [3/5]

template<class T>
template<typename Q >
SmartPtr_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator= ( const SmartPtr< Q > &  x)

Copy-assigns SmartPtr object. Does required type conversions.

Template Parameters
QType of object pointed by x.
xPointer to copy-assign.
Reference to this object.

◆ operator=() [4/5]

template<class T>
SmartPtr_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator= ( Pointee_ p)

Assigns raw pointer to SmartPtr object.

pPointer value to assign.
Reference to this object.

◆ operator=() [5/5]

template<class T>
SmartPtr_& System::SmartPtr< T >::operator= ( std::nullptr_t  )

Sets pointer value to nullptr.

Reference to this object.

◆ operator==()

template<class T>
bool System::SmartPtr< T >::operator== ( std::nullptr_t  ) const

Checks if pointer points to nullptr.

True if pointer points to nullptr and false otherwise.

◆ RemoveAliasing()

template<class T>
SmartPtr_ System::SmartPtr< T >::RemoveAliasing ( ) const

Removes aliasing (created by an aliasing constructor) from pointer, makes sure it manages (if shared) or tracks (if weak) the same object it points to.

The pointer to the same object this pointer points to which looks after the lifetime of the same object.

◆ reset() [1/2]

template<class T>
void System::SmartPtr< T >::reset ( Pointee_ ptr)

Sets pointed object.

ptrRaw pointer to new referenced object.

◆ reset() [2/2]

template<class T>
void System::SmartPtr< T >::reset ( )

Makes pointer pointing to nullptr.

◆ set_Mode()

template<class T>
void System::SmartPtr< T >::set_Mode ( SmartPtrMode  mode)

Sets pointer mode. May alter referenced object's reference counts.

modeNew mode of pointer.
#include "system/smart_ptr.h"
#include <iostream>
class Item final : public System::Object
~Item() final
std::cout << "~Item()" << std::endl;
using ItemPtr = System::SmartPtr<Item>;
void PrintSharedCount(ItemPtr &ptr)
std::cout << "Number of shared pointers: " << ptr.get_shared_count() << std::endl;
void ChangeModeToWeak(ItemPtr &ptr)
std::cout << "The mode will be changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak" << std::endl;
std::cout << "The mode has been changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak" << std::endl;
int main()
ItemPtr ptr1 = System::MakeObject<Item>();
ItemPtr ptr2{ptr1, System::SmartPtrMode::Weak};
std::cout <<
"The pointer to an instance of the Item class expired: " <<
(static_cast<System::WeakPtr<ItemPtr::Pointee_>>(ptr1).expired() ? "True" : "False") <<
return 0;
* This code example produces the following output:
* Number of shared pointers: 1
* Number of shared pointers: 2
* The mode will be changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak
* The mode has been changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak
* The mode will be changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak
* ~Item()
* The mode has been changed to System::SmartPtrMode::Weak
* The pointer to an instance of the Item class expired: True

◆ SetContainedTemplateWeakPtr()

template<typename T >
void System::SmartPtr< T >::SetContainedTemplateWeakPtr ( uint32_t  argument) const

Calls SetTemplateWeakPtr() method on pointed object (if any).


argumentArgument of SetTemplateWeakPtr method called on referenced object.

◆ static_pointer_cast()

template<class T>
template<class Y >
SmartPtr<Y> System::SmartPtr< T >::static_pointer_cast ( ) const

Casts pointer to different type using static_cast on pointed object.

Template Parameters
YTarget type of pointed object.
Pointer of changed type which is always in shared mode.

◆ ToObjectPtr()

template<typename T >
SmartPtr< Object > System::SmartPtr< T >::ToObjectPtr ( ) const

Converts any pointer type to pointer to Object. Doesn't require Pointee_ type to be complete.


Raw pointer to referenced object (if any) or nullptr.

◆ Type()

template<class T>
static const System::TypeInfo& System::SmartPtr< T >::Type ( )

Shortcut to get System::TypeInfo object for the Pointee_ type.

Const reference to TypeInfo structure which describes Pointee_ type.

Member Data Documentation

◆ operator[]

template<class T>
template<typename IdxType >
decltype(System::Details::GetByIndex(std::declval<const SmartPtr_*>(), std::declval<IdxType>()) System::SmartPtr< T >::operator[]) (IdxType idx) const

Accessor for array elements. Only compiles if SmartPtr_ is specialization of System::Array.

Template Parameters
IdxTypeType of index (assumed integral).
idxIndex in array.
Array value at idx position.