IPsdColorPalette class

IPsdColorPalette class

The pasd color palette

The IPsdColorPalette type exposes the following members:


transparent_indexGets the index of the transparent color.
has_transparent_colorGets a value indicating whether transparent color exists.
transparent_colorGets the transparent color.
raw_entriesGets the raw color palette entries data.
raw_entries_countGets the raw color palette entries count.
entries_countGets the entries count.
argb_32_entriesGets an array of 32-bit ARGB structures.
entriesGets an array of Color structures.
is_compact_paletteGets a value indicating whether compact palette is used.


get_nearest_color_indexGets the index of the nearest 32-bit ARGB color.
get_nearest_color_indexGets the index of the nearest color.
get_argb_32_colorGets the 32-bit ARGB palette color by index.
get_colorGets the palette color by index.

See Also