TiffUnknownType class

TiffUnknownType class

The unknown tiff type. In case the tiff tag cannot be recognized this type is instantinated.

Inheritance: TiffUnknownTypeTiffDataType

The TiffUnknownType type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the TiffUnknownType class.


countGets the count of elements.
idGets tag id integer representation.
tag_idGets the tag id.
tag_typeGets the tag type.
aligned_data_sizeGets the additional data size in bytes (in case the 12 bytes is not enough to fit the tag data).
data_sizeGets the additional data size in bytes (in case the 12 bytes is not enough to fit the tag data).
valueGets or sets the value this data type contains.
is_validGets a value indicating whether tag data is valid. The valid tag contains data which may be preserved. The invalid tag cannot be stored.
offset_or_valueGets the offset value for an additional data or value itself in case count is 1.
streamGets the stream to read additional data from.


read_tagReads the tag data.
compare_toCompares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
deep_clonePerforms a deep clone of this instance.
write_tagWrites the tag data.
write_additional_dataWrites the additional tag data.


Note the TiffUnknownType is not serialized back to stream.

See Also