
The namespace contains elements for STP files.


StepAdavncedBrepShapeRepresentationAn extended representation of the brep form.
StepAdvancedFaceAdvancedFace class for STP file.
StepAxis2PlacementAxis2Placement class for STP file.
StepAxis2Placement2DAxis2Placement2D class for STP file.
StepAxis2Placement3DAxis2Placement3D class for STP file.
StepBSplineCurveBSplineCurve class for STP file.
StepBSplineCurveWithKnotsBSplineCurveWithKnots class for STP file.
StepBoundedCurveBoundedCurve class for STP file.
StepBsplineSurfaceBsplineSurface class for STP file.
StepCartesianPointCartesianPoint class for STP file.
StepCircleCircle class for STP file.
StepClosedShellClosedShell class for STP file.
StepConicStepConic class for STP file.
StepConicalSurfaceConicalSurface class for STP file.
StepCurveCurve class for STP file.
StepCylindricalSurfaceCylindricalSurface class for STP file.
StepDefinitionalRepresentationDefinitionalRepresentation class for STP file.
StepDirectionDirection class for STP file.
StepEdgeEdge class for STP file.
StepEdgeCurveEdgeCurve class for STP file.
StepEdgeLoopEdgeLoop class for STP file.
StepElementarySurfaceElementarySurface class for STP file.
StepEllipseEllipse class for STP file.
StepFaceFace class for STP file.
StepFaceBoundFaceBound class for STP file.
StepFaceOuterBoundFaceOuterBound class for STP file.
StepFaceSurfaceFaceSurface class for STP file.
StepGeometricRepresentationItemGeometric RepresentationItem class for STP file.
StepLineLine class for STP file.
StepLoopLoop class for STP file.
StepManifoldSolidBrepManifoldSolidBrep class for STP file.
StepOrientedEdgeOrientedEdge class for STP file.
StepPCurvePCurve class for STP file.
StepPlacementPlacement class for STP file.
StepPlanePlane class for STP file.
StepPointPoint class for STP file.
StepProductProduct class for STP file.
StepProductDefinitionProductDefinition class for STP file.
StepProductDefinitionFormationProductDefinitionFormation class for STP file.
StepProductDefinitionShapeProductDefinitionShape class for STP file.
StepRepresentationRepresentation StepSurface class.
StepRepresentationItemRepresentationItem class for STP file.
StepShapeDefinitionRepresentationShapeDefinitionRepresentation class.
StepShapeRepresentationShapeRepresentation class.
StepShapeRepresentationRelationshipShapeRepresentationRelationship class.
StepSphericalSurfaceSphericalSurface class for STP file.
StepSurfaceSurface class for STP file.
StepSurfaceCurveSurfaceCurve class for STP file.
StepTopologicalRepresentationItemTopologicalRepresentationItem class.
StepToroidalSurfaceToroidalSurface class for STP file.
StepTripleTriple point class for STP file.
StepValueRepresentationItemValueRepresentationItem class.
StepVectorVector class for STP file.
StepVertexVertex class for STP file.
StepVertexPointVertexPoint class for STP file.


StepBSplineCurveFormBSplineCurveForm enum for STP file.
StepItemTypeItemType RepresentationItem enum for STP file.
StepKnotTypeKnotType enum for STP file.