Linestrips class

Linestrips class

The LINESTRIPS. The linEStrips element provides the information needed to bind vertex attributes together and then organize those vertices into connected line-strips. Each line-strip described by the mesh has an arbitrary number of vertices. Each line segment within the line-strip is formed from the current vertex and the preceding vertex.

Inheritance: LinestripsColladaElement

The Linestrips type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of Linestrips


inputGets or sets the input.
The input element may occur any number of times.
This input is a local input with the offset and set attributes.
primitivesGets or sets the primitives.
The LINESTRIPS element may have any number of primitives elements.
extraGets or sets the extra.
nameGets or sets the name.
The name attribute is the text string name of this element.
Optional attribute.
countGets or sets the count.
The count attribute indicates the number of LINESTRIP primitives.
Required attribute.
materialGets or sets the material.
The material attribute declares a symbol for a material.
This symbol is bound to a material at the time of instantiation.
If the material attribute is not specified then the lighting and shading results are application defined.
Optional attribute.

See Also