Accessor class

Accessor class

The accessor. The accessor element declares an access pattern to one of the array elements: FLOAT_ARRAY, INT_ARRAY, NAME_ARRAY, BOOL_ARRAY, TOKEN_ARRAY, and IDREF_ARRAY. The accessor element describes access to arrays that are organized in either an interleaved or non-interleaved manner, depending on the offset and stride attributes.

Inheritance: AccessorColladaElement

The Accessor type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Accessor class.


parameterGets or sets the parameter.
The accessor element may have any number of parameter elements.
countGets or sets the count.
The count attribute indicates the number of times the array is accessed.
Required attribute.
offsetGets or sets the offset.
The offset attribute indicates the index of the first value to be read from the array.
The default value is 0.
Optional attribute.
sourceGets or sets the source.
The source attribute indicates the location of the array to access using a URL expression.
Required attribute.
strideGets or sets the stride.
The stride attribute indicates number of values to be considered a unit during each access to the array.
The default value is 1, indicating that a single value is accessed.
Optional attribute.

See Also