
The namespace handles CF2 related file formats processing.


CF2AuxThe Aux section of the CF2 format
CF2DrawnElementThe Basic of the drawn elements
CF2GeometryElementThe basic of the geometry elements
CF2ImageCF2 image class
CF2LineThe line
CF2LineTypeDefinitionThe line type definition
CF2LinearElementThe basic of the linear elements
CF2LinesOutputDescribingDescription of the line types output
CF2MainThe Main section of the CF2 format
CF2OrderThe Order section of the CF2 format
CF2OrderOutputDescribingDescription of the order section output
CF2OutputDescribingDescription of the output
CF2PropertyThe property
CF2PropertyCustomThe custom property
CF2PropertyStandardThe standart property
CF2StandardMessageThe standart message
CF2SubThe Sub section of the CF2 format
CF2SubInsertThe insert of the Sub element
CF2TextThe Text


CF2DimensionLineTypesCF2 dimension line types
CF2InstructionCodesCF2 instruction codes
CF2LineTypesCF2 line types
CF2SystemCoordinateThe type of coordinate system.
CF2TypeDElementCF2 type of drawn elements