TableStyleCellContent class

TableStyleCellContent class

The TableStyleCellContent data

The TableStyleCellContent type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of TableStyleCellContent


cell_style_typeCell style type: Cell = 1, Row = 2, Column = 3, Formatted table data = 4, Table = 5
unknown1The Unknown1 parameter
data_flagsThe Data flags, 0 = no data, 1 = data is present
merge_flagsThe Merge flags, but may only for bits 0x8000 and 0x10000.
background_colorThe Background Color
content_layout_flagsContent layout flags: Flow = 1, Stacked horizontal = 2, Stacked vertical = 4
property_override_flags1The Property Override Flags1
property_override_flags2The Property Override Flags2
property_flagsThe Property Flags. Contains property bit values for property Auto Scale only (0x100).
value_data_typeThe Value Data Type
value_unit_typeThe Value Unit Type
value_format_stringThe Value Format String
rotationThe Rotation
block_scaleThe Block Scale
cell_alignmentThe Cell Alignment: Top left = 1, Top center = 2, Top right = 3, Middle left = 4, Middle center = 5,
Middle right = 6, Bottom left = 7, Bottom center = 8, Bottom right = 9
content_colorThe Content Color
text_heightThe Text Height
margin_flagThe Margin Flag
vertical_marginThe Vertical Margin
horizontal_marginThe Horizontal Margin
bottom_marginThe Bottom Margin
right_marginThe Right Margin
margin_horizontal_spacingThe Margin Horizontal Spacing
margin_vertical_spacingThe Margin Vertical Spacing
cell_style_idThe Cell Style ID, 1 = title, 2 = header, 3 = data, 4 = table.
Custom cell style ID’s are numbered starting at 101
cell_style_classThe Cell Style Class, 1= data, 2 = label. The default value is label.
cell_style_nameThe Cell Style Name
text_style_handleThe TextStyle Handle

See Also