
The namespace contains Cad Hatch entities and their elements.


CadBoundaryPathCircularArcThe Cad boundary path circular arc.
CadBoundaryPathCircularEllipseThe Cad boundary path circular ellipse.
CadBoundaryPathLineThe Cad boundary path line.
CadBoundaryPathSplineThe Cad boundary path spline.
CadEdgeBoundaryPathThe Cad edge boundary path.
CadHatchThe Cad hatch.
CadHatchBoundaryPathContainerBoundary for hatch
CadHatchPatternDataCad hatch pattern class
CadPolylineBoundaryPathThe Cad polyline boundary path.
CadReservedForFutureValuesThe reserved for future values
ICadBoundaryPathThe Cad boundary path.
ICadBoundaryPathEntityThe Cad boundary path entity interface.
Point2DThe 2D point.