Enum TileMode

TileMode enumeration

The tile mode. Specifies how tiling is performed in the filled geometry.

public enum TileMode


None0The none. In this mode, only the single base tile is drawn. The remaining area is left transparent.
Tile1The tile. In this mode, the base tile is drawn and the remaining area is filled by repeating the base tile such that the right edge of each tile abuts the left edge of the next, and the bottom edge of each tile abuts the top edge of the next.
FlipX2The flip x. In this mode, the tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport. Tiles in the columns to the left and right of this tile are flipped horizontally.
FlipY3The flip y. In this mode, the tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport. Rows above and below are flipped vertically.
FlipXY4The flip xy. In this mode, the tile arrangement is similar to the Tile tile mode, but alternate columns of tiles are flipped horizontally and alternate rows of tiles are flipped vertically. The base tile is positioned as specified by the viewport.

See Also