Class RenderFactory

RenderFactory class

RenderFactory creates all resources that represented in rendering pipeline.

public abstract class RenderFactory


abstract CreateCubeRenderTexture(RenderParameters, int, int)Create a render target contains 1 cube texture
abstract CreateDescriptorSet(ShaderProgram)Create the descriptor set for specified shader program.
abstract CreateIndexBuffer()Create an IIndexBuffer instance to store polygon’s face information.
abstract CreatePipeline(ShaderProgram, RenderState, VertexDeclaration, DrawOperation)Create a preconfigured graphics pipeline with preconfigured shader/render state/vertex declaration and draw operations.
abstract CreateRenderTexture(RenderParameters, int, int)Create a render target contains 1 targets that renders to the texture
abstract CreateRenderTexture(RenderParameters, int, int, int)Create a render target that renders to the texture
abstract CreateRenderWindow(RenderParameters, WindowHandle)Create a render target that renders to the native window.
abstract CreateShaderProgram(ShaderSource)Create a ShaderProgram object
CreateTextureUnit()Create a 2D texture unit that can be accessed by shader.
abstract CreateTextureUnit(TextureType)Create a texture unit that can be accessed by shader.
abstract CreateUniformBuffer(int)Create a new uniform buffer in GPU side with pre-allocated size.
abstract CreateVertexBuffer(VertexDeclaration)Create an IVertexBuffer instance to store polygon’s vertex information.

See Also